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An humanist and passionate engineer with a deep-seated fascination for science.
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One of the most famous videos of Steve Jobs speaking at Stanford about his life, and his idea of connecting the dots just stuck in my mind. Inspired by his idea I did the same: To connect the dots of my life, and I came up with an idea that might be of interest and that is what I would like to share with you.
Have you ever dreamt of visiting the world’s most incredible scientific facilities? Thanks to the magic of virtual tours, you can now embark on an incredible exploration without leaving your home! This website brings you immersive virtual tours of some of the most groundbreaking research centers on the planet.
Recently, I had the opportunity to visit the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in Switzerland and explore their incredible Proton Therapy Center. PSI is a world leader in scientific research, and their proton therapy facility is at the forefront of cancer treatment. Unlike traditional radiation therapy, which uses X-rays, proton therapy uses beams of protons – tiny charged particles – to target tumors with pinpoint accuracy. This minimizes damage to healthy tissue surrounding the tumor, leading to potentially fewer side effects for patients.
Hey everyone! Just got back from an incredible experience at CERN’s Superconductivity Practical Days, and let me tell you, it was mind-blowing! For those who don’t know, superconductivity is basically when a material turns into a superconductor – think zero electrical resistance and super strong magnetic fields. It’s what powers some pretty amazing things, from MRI machines to the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the world’s biggest and most powerful particle accelerator.
The MuVacAS setup recreates as reasonably as possible the characteristics and specifications of the vacuum chambers of the IFMIF-DONES HEBT+TVC, such as geometry, material, and differential pressure system.
The aim of this project is to promote fusion in the academy to strengthen transversal skills in undergraduate students of different areas such as physics, engineering, bussines, and more.
Detailed design report of the development of dipole magnets for MEBT application at MedAustron is presented as part of the JUAS course.
At the end of several iterations, the pad slip concept is the best option for testing a synchronous reluctance linear motor at high speeds.
Static test bench to characterize the performance of a linear motor designed for a hyperloop system is proposed. This bench allows a 3D movement of the traslator in order to take measurements on all the states that the system can reach.
Activities as technical director in the Hyperloop Student Competition on the company Space X, California.
Published in Imprenta Universidad de Antioquia, 2017
instrumentation of rowing machines aims at the evaluation of the sporting gesture in the prevention of injuries in professional athletes, older adults and people with motor disabilities.
Recommended citation: A. Sabogal et al. "Instrumentacion De Una Maquina De Remo Para Analisis Tridimensional Cinematico y Cinetico." in Proc. CIMM2017; 2017.
Published in IOP Publishing Ltd, 2018
The tricone drill bit head is one of the main components in petroleum perforation settings because it makes possible to break the soil to establish a flow path between the reservoir and the wellbore. For this reason.. it is a component that requires special analysis. This work investigates the optimization process of the parameters used in the material selection for a tricone drill bit. It includes the material selection for the bit body and the inserts. The stresses to which the drill is subjected during drilling are calculated and conditions to be fulfilled are established according to its function.
Recommended citation: Benavides-Serrano; A. F.; Pena-Sabogal; A. S.; Leon; O. M.; Sanchez-Acevedo; H. G.; & Gonzalez-Estrada; O. A. (2019). Optimization of parameters in material selection of tricone drill bit head design. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1159; No. 1; p. 012018). IOP Publishing.
Published in Not published, 2019
En este paper se muestra el diseno de un sistema de frenado para un vehiculo (POD) que satisfase los requerimientos exigidos por la competencia denominada Hyperloop Pod Competition de la compañia norteamericana SpaceX.
Recommended citation: Not published
Published in Journal de Ciencia e Ingenieria, 2020
Description paper
Recommended citation: Toroa; A. S. V.; Garzon; H. D. B.; Sabogal; A. S. P.; Wilchesc; S. T.; Latorref; D. O.; & Ramirez-Martinez; A. M. (2020). Diseño para la adaptación e instrumentación de una maquina de remo a ser usada en sujetos con lesion medular. Journal de Ciencia e Ingenieria; 12(1).
Published in IEEE, 2021
In this paper.. a static test bench to characterize the performance of a linear motor designed for a hyperloop system is proposed. This bench allows a 3D movement of the traslator in order to take measurements on all the states that the system can reach. The results from the conducted test have demonstrated a low deviation between the experimental and simulated value of the forces.
Recommended citation: J. F. G. Rojo.. F. Lluesma-Rodriguez.. D. F. Sanchez.. A. P. Sabogal and G. R. Perez.. "Validation of a Linear Motor for Hyperloop Applications using a 3-axis Static Test Bench. "2021 13th International Symposium on Linear Drives for Industry Applications (LDIA).. Wuhan.. China.. 2021.. pp. 1-4.. doi: 10.1109/LDIA49489.2021.9505759.
Published in Fusion Design, 2023
The IFMIF-DONES Facility is a unique first-class scientific infrastructure whose construction is foreseen in Granada.. Spain.. in the coming years. Strong integration efforts are being made at the current project phase aiming at harmonizing the ongoing design of the different and complex Systems of the facility. The consolidation of the Diagnostics and Instrumentation.. transversal across many of them.. is a key element of this purpose. A top-down strategy is proposed for a systematic Diagnostics Review and Requirement definition.. putting emphasis in the one-of-a-kind instruments necessary by the operational particularities of some of the Systems.. as well as to the harsh environment that they shall survive. In addition.. other transversal aspects such as the ones related to Safety and Machine Protection and their respective requirements shall be also considered. The goal is therefore to advance further and solidly in the respective designs.. identify problems in advance.. and steer the Diagnostics development and validation campaigns that will be required. The present work provides an overview of this integration strategy as well as a description of some of the most challenging Diagnostics and Instruments within the facility.. including several proposed techniques currently under study.
Recommended citation: Torregrosa-Martin; C.; Ibarra; A.; Aguilar; J.; Ambi; F.; Arranz; F.; Arbeiter; F.; ... & Zsakai; A. (2023). Overview of IFMIF-DONES diagnostics: Requirements and techniques.Fusion Engineering and Design;191; 113556.
Published in JACoW Publishing, 2023
Presentation of the prototype MuVacAS at the International Particle Accelerator Conference IPAC 2023
Recommended citation: A. Sabogal et al... "Multipurpose Vacuum Accident Scenarios (MuVacAS) prototype for the IFMIF-DONES linear accelerator".. in Proc. IPAC'23.. Venice.. Italy.. May 2023.. pp. 4324-4327. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2023-THPA156
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Undergraduate course, National University of Colombia, Department of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering, 2016
4 ECTS Master’s scholarship
Undergraduate course, University of Granada, Department of Atomic, Molecular, and Nuclear Physics, 2022
Undergraduate course, University of Granada, Department of Atomic, Molecular, and Nuclear Physics, 2024